Monday, March 06, 2006

We've had this conversation before. I said, "Are you going to stop at the stop sign?", in a worried voice. It was to late.

My belt tightened as he slammed on the brakes. By then we were in the middle of the street stopped. Lucky for us it was clear.

"Isn't this the same stop sign you had a wreck at years earlier, but you were going the other way and a lady, like you, didn't stop at the stop sign?" He looks at me still in shock that he created an error, throws it back in gear and we are moving again.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Something something road...

Don't you just hate it when someone gives you directions like this?

"Yeah travel up this road here. When you get to the gas station take a left and head down that road till you get to, ummm something something road. My mind is a blank, but you'll know it cause you'll end up on that street your looking for."

Bummer huh? I hope that woman got to that address after finally tracking down her real mother that gave her up for adoption twenty something years ago. I suck at giving directions.

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

I'm tired. I'm sleepy. I've gotten grey hair. This much I know. It's so hard! Job changes, and yet it's still the same. I laugh more, but I don't know why, it's just funny now. I turn the volume down more now, except for Dan Fogelberg. I curse at drivers, I've lost that tolerance.

I blame it on many things, mostly republicans. Also the weather, but it has been good to me this year not so for others. It rained the other day, I don't know why it just did. I stood in it for awhile to see if it was real, it was. I walked slowly in it to the car, but with a smile, it wasn't cold rain.

College changes you? I still feel the same. It's long! I know I'll feel old when done, I don't care. It's another day...

Friday, July 08, 2005


A few weeks ago I went to the movie theatre with some friends to see a movie. While getting my ticket I wasn't paying attention to where I was walking and I, well, rammed myself into one of them makeshit line poles. It didn't really hurt, it never does at first. In the past I would have completely gotten embarassed and gotten quickly out of the area. Not this time, I looked around and saw a few people laugh and others who just didn't care.

If there is one thing that humility does is it shows who and who does not have character.
It's really simple...if you laugh or make fun of others misfortune or humiliation you have no character.

I learned this back in high school and my first experience with Karma as well. I was driving my friends and I to school one morning and I had to slow down cause this car was crossing the road very very slowly. Upset at first; when got closer we saw his car had died on him and he was just pleading with his car to make it across the road. The car was a complete junker and we laughed our asses off at him, he didn't see us laughing, which today, I'm very glad he didn't.
When school was out for the day and my friends and I headed to my car to go home. We got in, I tried to start the car, the car started fine, when I put it in gear to go, the car died on me. Long story short come to find out some computer chip in there that regulated gas blew. Karma at it's finest.

I look at humility in a different way today.
You will never know your strength unless you have a test in humility. But in the end you'll know your strength, and your character, as well as others.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

There is nothing like getting slapped in the face. It sure does make you open your eyes. I had decided weeks before it was time to go back to college and finish once and for all. Now I have not been in college for ten years.

So it was basically a slap in the face going up to the JC and seeing all these "kids" there. Oh boy did the age stick hit me and hit me good. Sure there was people my age and some even a lot older. It felt like doing the walk of shame all over again.

Well maybe there is one way to look at this. I would atleast hope I am a lot more wiser and more determined now. One could hope right?

Monday, April 11, 2005

So, last week some friends and I went to see Sin City. I had my doubts about the movie cause of the way it looked. The movie was pretty well done sept for the blood. I don't mind the blood at all but it was way way over done. It was like seeing The Passion all over again. And btw I hated The Passion. As they said in South Park, I hate snuff films, but that is a different story.

In other news...If you elect an oilman as President do you honestly think gas would be cheaper? I almost wish that presidents can only serve one term. The second term they can do whatever the hell they want and not give a rats butt about how it affects things.

I'm now a proud subscriber now to Sirius satelite radio. Let me tell you it's the next best thing to the invention of TiVo. But I said my goodbyes to TiVo earlier this month cause of upcoming ads. This radio... NO ADS. What a concept...

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

"It's easy! Sure..."

There is soooo much information out there, books, friends, family, internet. I'm here to tell you fishing around between them all till you get the answer you want is not good. What you need is something or someone to tell it to you bluntly, how it is and what you should do. Sure you could ask The Fruitcake Lady, but while you wait and wait for your answer your still...waiting.

And to quote, "Because I don't know about you, but I hate being single. I hate going to parties alone. I hate sleeping alone. I hate waking up alone. I hate knowing that every single boring errand I have to do, I'm going to do alone. I hate not having sex. I hate cooking for one and shopping for one. I hate going to weddings. I hate people asking me why I'm still single. I hate people not asking me why I'm still single. I hate my birthday becuase I'm still single." -Liz Tuccillo

So I'm going to make this easy for you. Get this book, "He's Just Not That Into You". You want it told how it is, here you go. This book was written for women, but men should read it as well cause you can find out how you can be an asshole at times, and I think you would learn a lot about yourself. There you go, not so painful. Don't you feel better about yourself now?