Friday, July 08, 2005


A few weeks ago I went to the movie theatre with some friends to see a movie. While getting my ticket I wasn't paying attention to where I was walking and I, well, rammed myself into one of them makeshit line poles. It didn't really hurt, it never does at first. In the past I would have completely gotten embarassed and gotten quickly out of the area. Not this time, I looked around and saw a few people laugh and others who just didn't care.

If there is one thing that humility does is it shows who and who does not have character.
It's really simple...if you laugh or make fun of others misfortune or humiliation you have no character.

I learned this back in high school and my first experience with Karma as well. I was driving my friends and I to school one morning and I had to slow down cause this car was crossing the road very very slowly. Upset at first; when got closer we saw his car had died on him and he was just pleading with his car to make it across the road. The car was a complete junker and we laughed our asses off at him, he didn't see us laughing, which today, I'm very glad he didn't.
When school was out for the day and my friends and I headed to my car to go home. We got in, I tried to start the car, the car started fine, when I put it in gear to go, the car died on me. Long story short come to find out some computer chip in there that regulated gas blew. Karma at it's finest.

I look at humility in a different way today.
You will never know your strength unless you have a test in humility. But in the end you'll know your strength, and your character, as well as others.