"Seasons Change"
It wasn't to far long ago that coming into fall was a feeling of discomfort. Not being a fan of looming cold weather I never looked forward to fall. Ask the optimistic and they will tell you, "Well, your one day closer to spring/summer."
While that may be true the long cold days ahead are not something I look forward to. Getting up in cold weather is a task in itself. The floor is cold, getting out of the shower is freezing. Opening the door for the first time that morning to go to work/school is enough to make you cranky for the rest of the day. If my car would stay put I would warm the car up before going to work. But, how do you do that with a standard and a clumsy parking break? Who am I fooling that would mean having to run out there and starting the car and running back in. That's twice I would have to go out in that crummy weather. Forget that! The human anatomy should be like bears and hibernate through the winter and wake up in the spring.
However after the summer I had, bring on the cold weather! I'm so sick and tired of messing with mosquitoes and cranky whiney people. They think part of my job will totally kill every single mosquito in the entire city. "News flash" WRONG
What happen to all the shiney happy people?
Some things I know...
Some things I know, usually by making huge mistakes.